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2nd Nov

I lead a rather 'heck-care' lifestyle. I go clubbing after work on tues,wed,thurs,fri & sometimes sat. Thanks to that (and my meagre allowance from big brother), my account is down to a measly $150. And this inevitably leads to criticisms from smug people who likes to stand on their 'oh-so-high' moral ground and preach. 'Why dont you get a gf?''Is this really what you enjoy?''Whats so fun about getting drunk and dancing to noise?'. oo0oo. 'Nah'.
I live my life the way i want. Sure, you can have a 'stable' gf, get all the hokey pokey that you need from her, have someone to talk cock to etc etc, but hey, sometimes shit happens, and maybe cracks start to show, and you break up. So for all the bliss and enjoyment that you've enjoyed for the past X yrs, you're back to square one with me. But of course, u've missed out on X yrs of blinging, excessiveness and debauchery, in exchange for? X yrs of lies, damned lies and broken promises. Of dreams unfulfilled, of shattered visions of the future, of unrequited love. Sure, 'its good while it lasted', but i have the exact same mentality! Its all good, man. Chill. Enjoy whatever it is that you enjoy while it lasts, while i enjoy mine. Bottoms Up!

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